
Salim, W. & Hudalah, D. (2020) Urban Governance Challenges and Reforms in Indonesia: Towards a New Urban Agenda. In: Dahiya, B. & Das, A. (eds) (2020) New Urban Agenda in Asia-Pacific: Governance for Sustainable and Inclusive Cities, pp. 163-180. Singapore: Springer.

Hudalah, D., Benita, T. & Gumilar, I. (2019) Peri-urbanization in the Surabaya Metropolitan Area: An industrial transformation perspective, in: Padawangi, R. (2019) Routledge Handbook of Urbanization in Southeast Asia, pp. 265-276 London: Routledge. 

Salim, W., Hudalah, D., & Firman, T. (2018) Spatial planning and urban development in Jakarta’s Metropolitan Area. In: Hellman, J., Thynell, M. & Voorst, R. (Eds) (2018) Jakarta: Claiming Spaces and Rights in the City. Abingdon: Routledge.

Hudalah, D. & Aritenang, A. (2018) Industrial economies on the edge of Southeast Asian metropoles: from gated to resilient economies. In: McGregor, A., Law, L. & Miller, F. (2018) Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian Development, pp. 120-130. Abingdon: Routledge.

Hudalah, D., Winarso, H. & Woltjer (2018) Gentrifying the Peri-Urban: Land Use Conflicts and Institutional Dynamics at the Frontier of an Indonesian Metropolis. In: Silver, C., Freestone, R., & Demaziere, C. (eds.) (2018) Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning 6: The Right to the City, pp. 134-153. Abingdon: Routledge.

Hudalah, D. & Firman, T. (2017) Mega-suburbanization in Jakarta Mega-urban Region. In: Datta, A. & Shaban, A (eds) (2017) Mega-urbanization in the Global South: Fast cities and the urban utopias of the postcolonial state, pp. 151-168. London, Routledge.

Hudalah, D., Rahmat, Y., and Firman, T (2016) Housing low- and middle-income households: land development and policy practice in two Indonesian cities. In: McCarthy, J. & Robinson, K. (Eds) (2016) Land and Development in Indonesia: Searching for the People’s Sovereignty, pp. 206-225. Singapore: ISEAS Publishing.

Hudalah, D., F. Z. Fahmi & T. Firman (2013). Regional governance in decentralizing Indonesia: Learning from the success of urban-rural cooperation in Metropolitan Yogyakarta. In Bunnell, T., D. Parthasarathy & E. C. Thompson. Cleavage, Connection and Conflict: Rural, Urban and Contemporary Asia, pp. 65-82. Singapore: Springer.

Hudalah, D., Soepriadi, I.F., and Maryonoputri, L. D., (2011) Karakteristik wilayah peri-urban pada Metropolitan Jabodetabekjur. In Gunawan, M. P., Nurzaman, S. S., and Warpani, S. P. (2011) Menarik Pelajaran dari 50 Tahun Perjalanan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota di Indonesia, pp. 345-362. Bandung, Penerbit ITB.